This honeycomb pattern was created as an exercise using turtle. The color palette comes from the x/y axis range where x represents red channel and y the green channel. Blue is a fixed value based on x and y.
R = 1/amountX*x
G = 1/amountY*y
B = 1/(amountX+amountY)*(x+y)
The amount of shading steps is calculated by the length of a honeycomb side. The colors then are gradually reduced to a minimum of 0.3
colormultiplier = 0.99 - 1/spirals * s
limit = 0.3
colorMult = limit if colormultiplier < limit else colormultiplier
I originally started of with this cubic logo I saw, which I recreated in a programmatically way and then continued to fill the whole canvas with it before changing it into honeycombs.
Before I figured I could use the circle function and just create a 6-sided circle, I wrote my own circle function which ended up being quite similar to the build-in function.