For the 2 dimensional representation of fractals, I use a grid with a 1000×1000 resolution and a gradient colorization based on iteration/steps which also offsets the points on the Z-axis for depth.
Basic Mandelbrot set
To plot a Mandelbrot set, we can create a function in a point wrangle. Several attributes can be turned into a channel for more convenience. E.g the MaxIteration and scaling attribute.
As the colors are created in greyscale, it’s easy to convert it to other colors or gradients via a colornode.
Mandelbrot Code
//Mandelbrot function
function int Mandelbrot(float x1, y1; int maxIter)
float x0 = x1;
float y0 = y1;
for(int i=0; i<maxIter; i++)
float x2 = x0*x0 - y0*y0 + x1;
float y2 = 2*x0*y0 + y1;
if(x2*x2 + y2*y2 > maxIter) return(i);
x0 = x2;
y0 = y2;
//--- Main ---
v@Cd = 0; //set color to black
int maxiter = 30; //maximum iterations ~ resolution of the Mandelbrot set
int result = Mandelbrot(@P.x, @P.y, maxiter); //Main execution
if(result < maxiter)
float step = 1-(1/float(maxiter)*result); //step calculation for each iteration
v@Cd = set(step,step,step); //color gradient
v@P.z = (v@P.z+0.1)*step; //Z-point offset (optional) the 0.1 is a scaling factor
Julia set
The Julia set(s) are part of the Mandelbrot set and can easily achieved by replacing the x1 and y1 in the for loop of our main function with a fixed value (see examples below). For the animation below, I replaced those values with a formula based on the current Framenumber.
Sierpinski triangle
Pretty simple to create as a loop iterating over a single triangle. Each iteration can be either done as a split or inverted inset. The center triangle is then deleted before the next iteration starts.
Sierpinski Code
int pts[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
for(int i=0; i<len(pts); i++)
int pt = pts[i];
vector pos = point(0, "P", pt);
int triprim = addprim(0,"poly");
for(int n=0; n<len(pts); n++)
int npt = pts[n];
vector npos = point(0, "P", npt);
npos -= pos;
npos *= 0.5;
npos += pos;
int newpoint = addpoint(0, npos);
addvertex(0, triprim, newpoint);
removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
2D Fractal Tree
Created as a line which splits in 3 branches in each iteration. Additionally with a channel parameter to control the angle.
At an angle of 90 degree, we get a squared shape, while 120 results in a sierpinski triangle type tree.
2D Fractal Tree Code
float steplenx = chf('steplenx');
float stepleny = chf('stepleny');
float stepangle = chf('stepangle');
vector pos = @P;
pos = pos + v@dir * steplenx;
matrix mat = ident();
rotate(mat, radians(stepangle), set(0,1,0));
pos *= mat;
pos += set(0,1,0) * stepleny;
int newpoint = addpoint(0, pos);
setpointattrib(0, "dir", newpoint, v@dir);
setpointgroup(0, "last", newpoint, 1);
setpointgroup(0, "last", @ptnum, 0);
3D Fractal Tree
Adding a third dimension to the 2D tree and additional parameters for control of several aspects.
Adding a color and polywire node at the output of the 3D fractal tree to colorize the lines and add volume.