I created this tool as part of experimenting with some methods for an interesting/abstract art style.
It cuts out chunks of a given geometry (bool) based on input mesh(es), fills the holes with new geometry and regenerates the missing surface as wireframe mesh over it.
Here’s an example in a game-engine where the fill geometry has a custom shader assigned to create the parallax effect and slight vertex animation.
Ultimately this tool could be run over any static asset in the game-engine and generates a similar result like this.
Into the same category falls this tool below which works different, in a more simple way for terrain surfaces. The point scatters happens here on a surface restricted/filtered according to some preset rules. Nearpoints connects the points again here and a polywire-node adds the thickness. At the end a generated mesh could be exported to the game-engine and with some additional in-engine-work replace parts of the terrain.